Public speaking: Mensa and teaching Japanese – Highlights of 2015 part 3
Japanese lessons
This year, I started teaching Japanese to people who were interested in learning about Japanese language and culture. It was exciting and interesting to do this. I could put a lot of creativity into my lessons. Lesson structures, new ideas, thinking of ways to explain things, making drawings and illustrations. And most of all: creating a fun and educational experience for the people attending my classes. Certainly one of the highlights of my year.

Another highlight of my year flowed from this experience.
Being a Public Speaker at the Mensa October Weekend
One of my student was somebody of the Mensa branch of the Netherlands (for privacy reasons, I will not mention his or her name). Mensa is a High IQ Society. We clicked and he or she always had interesting stories to tell. He or she told me there would be a Mensa event in October of this past year. That was the October Weekend of 2015. He or she asked me to give a lecture of 1.5 h over there. Continue Reading
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