Japan 2016 – Tokyo 3 – Gira Gira at Shibuya

Gira Gira at Shibuya

Purikura, Shibuya 109, Liz Lisa bag and small faces
Azusa and me at a Purikura photo boot at Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)
Azusa and me at a Purikura photo boot at Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)

I will write a short blog today. We did a lot of things today and one of them was going to Shibuya. Shibuya is known for its hip fashion stores and for the crossroads in which people from all corners start crossing the road when their traffic light turns green. And it’s really the place to be if you want to emerse yourself in some gira gira, or “sparkle” of Tokyo. For other things that we did today, check another blog (link will follow soon). After visiting Meiji Jingu, we met up with a friend of Azusa and he brought us to Shibuya for Purikura. He and Azusa spoke Japanese with eachother and he told me had a small head. Apparently, that’s a very good thing in Asia (although back home in Western Europe, I believe not a lot of people care about face size, including me). Beauty standards in different parts of the world are fascinating to me!



Purikura is a short word “print club”. They are photo boots in which you can take photos with your friends. After that, you can decorate the pictures made with stars, texts, hearts, animal noses etcetera. We tried one today. For the result, see below:

Azusa and me on Purikura pictures in Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)
Azusa and me on Purikura pictures in Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)


Shibuya 109

Shibuya 109 is a famous department store where the latest flashy and creative fashion can be bought. There are special stores that cater to specific audiences. We for example went to Ank Rouge.  I put on a pretty white coat. I asked for which style Ank Rouge was. She said it was a dolly style, for dollies just like me,  d’aww ^^!  Liz Lisa is there for the sweet and casual gyaru (gyaru is a Japanese fashion style). The clothing of d.i.a. looked pretty “normal” and they had a cool section of cool belts. The clothing of MA*RS is feminine, sexy and flashy and agejo style.  I tried on clothes in different stores, such as Adree and Liz Lisa. I like Liz Lisa and I have some clothes of this brand. But I couldn’t find something that I really liked. So I bought a magazine in which I got a Liz Lisa tote bag! I like it. I’m going to read it later on.

Shibuya 109 Department Store, Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)
Shibuya 109 Department Store, Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan)
Adree in Shibuya 109
Me trying on a dress at a shop called Adree in Shibuya 109 (Tokyo, Japan)


Pop Teen magazine with a Liz Lisa tote bag inside.
Pop Teen magazine with a Liz Lisa tote bag inside.


For posts about Akihabara and Harajuku, click here.    For a post about the Sky Tree and City Hall in Shinjuku, please click here.


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